Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I'm not taking hostages

I'm bad at this.
Confrontation is not my forte', but it's necessary to tell the truth.
I had been "getting help" from a professional recently, and a few months ago during our last session I seized up.  The air had left the room and my heart was burning a hole inside my chest.  I had to get out of there quick! -that's all I knew.  And it's been maybe two months since that happened.....  I opened up to this Christian woman about things that I would not even wish to speak to another living human let alone someone who is so close to my church community.  Through all that openness and ugly honesty, I got scripture thrown back at me.  I got the words, "You CAN control how you feel."  As if, I didn't feel miserably lost in my own sin, she had to plant that statement in front of my face.
But still I'm the coward here.  Because all this time I let those words fester, and I wouldn't confess to her why I haven't stepped foot in her office to see her again..... until tonight.

 Because I wanted to finish this post.

It's time to stop stop stalling.  It's time to stop withholding the truth behind all this.  I'm not going to be afraid of stepping on your foot.  I'm not going to stand behind someone else's belief so that I don't get hit with the hate.

The friend (Motivation Unleashed) I mentioned before.  She has a blog and a "group page" advocating her beliefs in which she has established a following of individuals just like her.  They say that the group is about opening up discussion and finding a common ground between the Church and homosexuals.  However, I am convinced from listening and participating in past discussions that "openness" and "sharing common ground" is code for "If you don't see things our way we will attempt to hypnotize you with our professor like lingo OR we will gang up on you (using the word 'hateful' a lot) until you shut up".

As you can probably tell my old college friend and I are no longer really speaking to each other.  She says, she is tired of "sparing" with me.  But I don't try to fight with her.  I try to reason with her asking, "What do I have to gain by proving you wrong?"

You might be asking - "proving what wrong?"

As mentioned before, Patty is a Christian as claim her many friends that same title.  (I'm not trying to dispute that.)   I have an atheist friend who wrote about this contradiction from his point of view. He says:

because i never get tired of thinking about people’s faith…
so i was pondering over the long Easter weekend as i saw posts from the faithful about the resurrection of Jesus. i contemplated discussions i have had relatively recently about Christianity and the Bible. i struggle to understand the mind of a believer when so many seem to pick and choose what parts of the Bible are truly the mandate of God and which ones are merely suggestions.
one of my primary sticking points with Christians is the belief that homosexuality is a sin. the argument of some is that the Bible says it is so and therefore it is so. i do not argue this point because the verses are easy enough to find and are pretty clear in what they say. what i find unusual is people who believe in the same God and refer to the same Bible, but don’t believe that homosexuals are an “abomination unto the Lord”. don’t get me wrong, i don’t believe homosexuality is wrong and i don’t believe homosexuals are an abomination. my problem is in the interpretation of the “law of God”.                                                                                                                                                    
The dispute is about what does the Bible say about same-gender sexual relations.
Is it silent,
does it promote it,
or condemn it?

For those that don't know:
 Yes, there is a whole community (a movement) of believers who are also self-titled LGBT.  I say that not to make you gasp in horror or shake your head in disbelief, but to make you aware of the theology that is circling.
Number 1:
Don't misunderstand me, I don't think homosexuality is the end all or number one sin.  The ranking isn't important and doesn't really exist anyway.  That's more of a comfort issue.   However, I have a problem with Christians encouraging others to be entrapped in sin.
I love my friend, more that I think she'll ever understand, but I had to let her go.  That's what she wanted me to do.   To allow her to live her own life without me hovering around with my so-called wisdom.
Her and her groupies think that I'm some kind of "know-it-all" -and I just want to laugh.  If only they all. (about my life)
Sounds like the ongoing debate that teenagers have with their parents.  That's nothing new.
I'm not saying that I am as wise as a parent to them, or that I know all there is to know about the Bible or God.
I can't even manage my own marriage and family that well.  I still struggle with same-sex relationships, and with the ghosts of my past, yet, they call me "the exception".
Why?  -Because I no longer believe that I'm a man, and out of faith in God's word over my own logic, I fought away temptation and sought after obedience.  God was my savior, my redeemer,....I still need him.  If that makes me an exception than all I got to say is,  "baby, What do you think a Christian is?"

I hear this all the time from other Christians and preached from the pulpit:
Grace is a free gift, for those who will take Christ as their savior.
The trick is, what they don't tell us....
We have to fight to believe.

_______More details coming about the "other side" and what they believe. ________
We are not enemies, but they have told me that we can not be friends.