Thursday, June 30, 2011

When push comes to ...ask?

Hello, I know that you tried to contact me - thanks for that.  I've been in kind of a bad place lately.  I'm married and have always been involved with the church, and so I am selective with whom I talk to about my feelings and problems that I face.  A support team is important to me because I have seen how secrets have kept me scared and in the dark within my past.  Recently, those that I would call upon when I needed some encouragement have been preoccupied, living their own life, to continue to help me with mine.  I understand why they need to focus on their families and themselves, but I am concerned ...  Where do I go now? 
It's not that I'm a needy person, but that I am worried that without support being there, I will forget the "why"  I needed them in the first place.    I'm beginning to understand why people seek out paid professionals for help.  I, however, do not have a surplus of money to put towards this.  With the state that my relationship is in with my spouse at the present time, it wouldn't feel right to use his earnings on myself like that anyway.   Any suggestions?


  1. i reeeeally recommend seeing a therapist. because you are right, having the support is essential to healing. i know there are state-supported programs for peeps with low-income to receive counseling at a discounted price. i used to feel bad about spending 'the money on me too'... but think of it this way... if you're in a better/happier place because of therapy, you will be a better wife to your hubby and better mom to your kiddos. therefore, you're really spending the money for whole your families well-being :) i've been in therapy for over a year now, and it has really helped. ofcourse it hasn't solved all my problems, but it sure helps me see things in a different/healthier perspective.

    there comes a point in life where you have to put you first.. so you can take care of the ones you love. cause if you're in a bad place, how can you truly be there for them?

  2. Maybe I'm not the person you'd wish to hear from in this moment, but please be assured there's no ill will or even any assumptions here. Professional help is a blessing, and if you care about the people in your life, sometimes the best thing to do is use the resources available to get help so that you're better equipped to care for and attend to the matters that are important to you. In my experience, counseling gives you more strength to continue in trying times and often gives you the tools to move out of those trying times. In other words, it's a very good use of money.

    If you have health insurance, counseling is often covered. Look into the Mental Health sections of your policy then call your company to be sure what your copay will be. You'll be limited to whatever providers in their network, but it's so much better than paying out of pocket. Also, some places offer "sliding fee counseling" which means you pay based on your income. Sometimes it can be as low as free but even 15 dollars per session is affordable considering a lot of counseling costs 100 dollars per session. Also, there are some churches that offer counseling. If you find one that offers it, call to see if they offer sliding fee.

    Finally, good luck. I know that picking up the phone to actually call someone can be horribly stressful (well it has been for me anyway). But don't be discouraged. If you decide that counseling is something that would be good for you, don't be discouraged by initial phone calls or bumps in the road to finding someone you can afford. And don't be afraid to be aggressive about finding the information you need.

  3. perfectly said, erica.

    i'd like to add that finding the right therapist can be a challenge as well. the 1st person i found was NOT a good choice. it took me a while to get the courage up to seek out someone else.. but i'm so glad i did.. and so is scot.

    and yes, making that initial call is scary.. and that first session is nerve-racking(my voice was shaking and i was sweating like a mofo)... but its worth it in the end.


Keep it Real. But keep it Respectful.