Friday, September 30, 2011

Living Fearlessly

"So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance."   -FDR

I don't think living fearlessly means that we will never be cautious or that we will throw away every crumb of wisdom that we've acquired along the way.  However, Fear should not be our master.  

I realize that I'm preaching this from a blog site of which I still hide behind a phony name.  Yet, there are many of my readers that know who I am, and have contact with me on a weekly basis.  Reaching out for help and showing my true colors was extremely hard to do.   Now, I sometimes want to shout out my worst sin inside a crowded room- just to free up myself from the irrational fear that I would be rejected - And to free up  everyone else, so that they can do the same.

What Fear doesn't want anyone to know:   
He's powerless without you.  

If you let go....Wow!  Just think about it for a minute or two....   Think about your shoulders not having to try so hard to hold your body up.  Imagine letting go of that worry that's kept you paralyzed in relationships (including the one between you and God).  

That's what I want to talk about next.  How this fear has affected the way I see God working in my life.  The emphasis is not on Him working, but me seeing it clearly.  
I've been afraid that God sees me the way others do; the way "I" do -as useless, as wicked, as cursed.  
But I know that's not the truth.  Fear keeps me trapped inside that lie that God doesn't need me for anything.  At best, I'm just ordinary (refer back to post title: I'm Ordinary with special needs")  
What would happen if I were to throw fear away?  Would I start to see a clearer vision of the way God has created me?  Would I start to see a purpose for my life?  Would I start to hear His voice instead of all the doubts?  I wonder ...what would He say to me?
What would He say to you?

Would He remind me of all the men and women written about in the Bible? 

  1. David who started out a simple shepherd boy to become a great king; who then misused his God-given authority to murder a man because he slept with his wife.  
  2. Saul (or Paul) who tortured Christians as a part of his job description; who was so stubborn that God had to take away his sight before he could see the truth.  
  3. Peter, the plain fisherman that was called away from his boat to follow the footsteps of the Son of God, who then just hours before Christ's death, would claim that he never knew Him at all.  

And I'm afraid God won't use me because I've got problems....?   

Next Post:  My BFF is not my spouse.  Tune in next week to find out "why?"

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