Thursday, November 17, 2011

Motivation Unleashed

My brothers (sisters) if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this:  Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins.    -James 5:19-20

Who can solve the "gay" question?

How does it happen?  When does it happen?  And of course, why would God seemingly wire a person to be gay and then call it sinful?

The answers simple, no one really knows.  All we know about this subject comes from either our own life experience or hearing about it from others.  And although I am firm believer in absolute truth, I would call this subject of attraction and sexual identity, relative.  
So I guess the next question is "Why the fighting?" or "Why the controversy?"   If no one can prove anything for sure...Where does the hatred, harsh words, and condemnation stem from?  

The obvious answer among the mainstream is Christianity, but I would say it's ignorance.  True, the Christian church does it's fair share of pushing Christian ideals into politics and we (Christians) take a warrior-like attitude when it comes to our schools and our family's values being threatened. And just like LGBT community, when we get pushed, we push back.  However, there are many Christians out there that are not pushing at all.  Still in this post millennium we have churches that refuse to acknowledge that these questions even circle around their communities.  Those are the churches that I'm most afraid of.

My friend, Patty, from college had the same thought, when she started her own facebook group and blog.  Patty thought education and open dialogue was the key to getting rid of the "haters".  I knew she was right about that, but she had her agenda and I had mine and we couldn't see eye-to-eye on much.

Patty is a Christian.  Patty and her girlfriend have been together for about 4 years.

(Still's a slow process for me.  My apologies.  It's getting good, I can tell.  So keep checking back for updated versions.)


  1. God does not "wire" a person gay. Genetic studies involving fruit flies do show that fruit flies are attracted to each other based on their genome. This makes sense - phermones are the sole determining factor in fruit fly reproduction. In other words, if a fruit fly smells female because it has been genetically altered to give off a female scent - males will think it is a female and try to mate with it. Similarly, you can alter the sensor genes.
    Human twin studies in genetics have shown this is not the case for humans. There is no genetic malfunction causing "gayness." Many more things go into a human's decisions when it comes to mating (and sexual attraction). In fact, when a person is raised as a person of the opposite sex (as was encouraged in the sixties), these people sometimes grow up and return to their birth sex. Likewise, people raised in loving and caring families that expected them to stick with their traditional gender roles grow up to be gay. My husband believes that once you expose yourself to a certain level of sexual sin, you begin to crave more abstract forms of sexual conduct to feed that desire. For women perhaps it is different.
    Although female, I was raised as a boy, swam in public swimming pools in shorts, can name all the parts of pre-90's cars, was sexually abused by my first step-father at the age of four, shot my first handgun at the age of six (with help), and had a sexual experience with a female when I was seven. Despite an awful homelife as a child and having close gay/lesbian friends as a teen, I am not attracted to other females. Perhaps it is for same reason that I stopped being attracted to men other than my husband once I was married. It was a choice. I don't need to tell you who I am, because after reading the first paragraph I am sure anyone who knows me will know.

  2. I don't know if I agree that we can't answer some of the questions about homosexuality. We can answer them the question is from what platform (worldview) we will answer the questions. Will we believe in right and wrong or will we answer based upon relativism. If we answer based upon God's truth we find that homosexuality is sin. but just saying that doesn't get to the ROOT of the problem. The root problem is not homosexuality. That's just a fruit.


Keep it Real. But keep it Respectful.