Thursday, June 17, 2010

memory loss

This blog can no longer be a detailed history lesson into my life. I don't remember the sequence of events in relation to the changes going on inside me. Like watching a plant grow, the changes happen insigficantly, but after awhile you can't help but look back and say something is different.

In random moments of reminiscing with my Mom about childhood, my Kindergarten crush came up.
I told my Mom just how much I liked him and ooh how cute he was... but he didn't even notice me. I was just like another boy to him. My Mom replied, "No, no Kayt. That's not true. He liked you a lot too. I remember that much." She went to the garage and in a box she pulled out her proof. It was a hand drawn picture of what was to be him and I dressed in our best. We were getting married. The words "together forever" written across the sky above us.

I tried to argue that I must have drawn it. Just another proof of my patheic ways that I fell for a boy that didn't care for me.

She stopped me and pointed to the back of the page which said, "To: Kayt (with hearts) From: John Mark" (in kindergarten handwriting).

Why did I remember those events so differently?
When did I begin to rewrite my history?
Why did these scales fall over my eyes?

At what point did the face in the mirror become ugly?

Sorry, this one is stubby but tomorrow is another day. I can't wait till I can just write to you all about my day that I had today...sigh* It will be here soon enough.
I'm always rushing through to the next step in life. But then I miss out on all the beauty and mystery along the way.
Gotta remember to slow ...d___o___w___N.

Enjoy your beautiful and mysterious weekend!

Take time out to do something different.

Break up the routine and...

Don't rush it.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't weird how our memories don't alway match up to what really happened?


Keep it Real. But keep it Respectful.