Saturday, January 8, 2011

Someone push the Reset button

I hate routines and that hate leads me down a path of chaos and disorganization.  And then worries breed inside my mind like bunnies.  It's obvious that I can't survive with so much (another word for chaos) in my daily life.  I make lists to unburden myself from the worry that I might forget about all that worries me. 
"Cast all your cares on Him"  
I don't think it is any big secret to tell you that I have been struggling with my faith lately.  I don't even know why.  There was no big tragedy that happened to me within the past year to spread doubt.    I don't have any new "proof" against the faith to really speak of.  On the contrary, I can easily ramble off the many different ways that God has intervened in my life and in the lives of those around me.  Unexplainable circumstances that point me to believe in a loving and faithful God, who remains unseen but whose hand is seen in everything.   Yet I still feel skeptical.  My faith feels overcast, like it's stuck in a fog.

I was planning my route to spend some time with an old friend from college.  Her and her family live roughly only 4 and half hours from us and we, as a family, had been over to visit a few times before.  I knew the address and remembered the country landmarks to look for to find her house.  However, when I was mapping it all out, my disaffection for everything routine kicked in; I decided to take a different route.  Mapquest told me that it would get me there to the same place, and without paying for toll (bonus!).  So I was all set.  (So I thought...)  What I didn't plan on was driving in freezing rain and ice with wind speeds that constantly made me question if I should stop the car to take cover in a ditch.  Not to mention the "state highways" were not clearly marked and appeared more like a country road or something more residential.  To top off the long cold wet drive, a fog started to creep in right as I came up to the unknown (to me) back way to my friend's house.  Six or seven hours from the start, we arrived our destination.  I was tired, I was grateful that we were there finally, but mostly I was frustrated with my stupid personality that told me that an already good plan needed to be completely redone.  All of this trouble, risk, and time wasted because I thought doing something different would make me feel better somehow.  I thought it would make the trip more exciting and less brain numbing.  As I was traveling, I wished that I had left my brain numbing trip as it was.

I guess I could say the same about my faith.  I took my focus off Christ because I felt neglected and unimportant to other believers, and ultimately to God as well.  I felt like the Bible had become "old news".   I sought out ways of creeping away from the world of holiness and things that would set me apart from the "world".  I still wanted to have my "in" to what God wanted, but I also wanted my freedom to experience.  I think it's fair to say now that I've created this spiritual fog.  Now that a majority of me wants out of it, it's too late.  I can't see past the end of my nose.

It's the new year, but it's still playing the same tune.  Does a day that the calender resets mean that anything can?


  1. It's very easy to get side-tracked from The Way on which God is leading us. We can be so caught up with distractions or temptations Satan puts in front of us and that sometimes work at our hearts relentlessly especially when we are feeling vulnerable, exhausted, overworked, or overwhelmed. I was feeling these things before I moved in with a church family. I thank God for placing this family in my life, because they have been a refuge for me and a source of encouragement reminding me not to give up on God or give in to temptation in challenging times. I am reminded of the scripture from Ephesians 6:10-18: "Finally, be strong in the LORD and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand" (vss. 10-13). So if I were to say a prayer at this moment it would be this: Thank YOU, God, for your Word and for always being with me in every circumstance helping me through each day, never giving up on me, and never ceasing to show your love for me in powerful and amazing ways. Help me to love others as YOU love me.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing that. Good prayer!


Keep it Real. But keep it Respectful.