Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Like waking up from a dream...(Incomplete)

So what did you think about the "Personality Profile"? I would actually encourage everyone to take one of these kind of tests, because I think its very beneficial to our relationships to other people that we understand ourselves better (our strengths and weaknesses).
I actually (believe it or not) found this one from a facebook application. Imagine my surprise when I saw how 'Right On' it was with my life. With the exceptions of some differences here and there that simply demonstrated my potential but there were obstacles in my life that made it more difficult to achieve fully. Such as with college and career and staying steadily focused in one area of expertise. As was indicated in my previous blog entries I had a difficult time with college. I think this was primarily due to self-esteem issues that followed me to school though. Even while my Dad was miles from me and the kids from 4th grade wouldn't even know me from Adam anymore, their voices still haunt me. Life is funny like that.

One thing that I wanted to point out from the Personality Analysis was the career choices it suggested would be attractive to me.
"Clergy" was the first one mentioned.
I thought that was interesting because my first response to the question of what I wanted to do with my life (in career terms that is) was forever leaning towards a place in ministry.
I tossed around the idea with several different department possibilities including Children's Ministry and serving as an overseas Missionary. But if I were to be completely honest with you and myself (although I've never been so bold as to say it aloud because I knew how frowned upon it would be) I always wanted to be a preacher or at the very least a youth minister.
I know some of you that read this are thinking.."What's wrong with that? Go for it!" But according to scripture and tradition that I have grown up with, it is not a women's place. :( Another bummer that I was born a lady, I guess.

Let's get down to it....

I don't know what year it was or the time or day of the week even except to tell you that it had to be a weekday since it happened right after class.
I'm not even sure what sparked it. There must have been some random scripture that was mentioned in class that turned on a light in my head. All I know is hell must have been close to freezing because I was on my way to the Library on campus in search of answers to questions that were unrelated to any class project.
I must have been there for a least 4 to 5 hours because when I was done frantically researching, it was feeding time again at the CAF.

(Continued story on next post.)

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