Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day - Remembering loss is gain

Almost at the end of a long weekend.
One more day of family and friends cooking out and getting wet.
Is anyone else crispy yet?
Almost like the sun is punishing me for my heritage.
I am sometimes envious of those who reflect sunlight. But what can ya do? It's life and life never gives you all that you want. You'd be lucky if you can keep your head above water and scoot by being born without the need of oral surgery or corrective lenses.

My son also has trouble understanding the concept of "Life's not fair." Or "You don't always get what you want." He's only five so this is not at all surprising yet still the tantrums are annoying. We have a label for adults that get stuck at this stage -"egocentric". You're so vain and I bet you thought this post was about you.
I can't say I'm any better about it. I have my occasional "adult" tantrums. I've even whined to God that "It's not fair!". Unfortunately (or fortunately-depending how you look at it) God behaves the same way I try to when my son cries to me... He patiently waits for me to stop before we move on.

Waving a fist at my Dad never helped either. When I got older, I got bolder (or just desperate) I even tried punching him in the gut a few times. He has a curved spine so it was his biggest feature but also it was as hard as a rock. It was like punching the floor when your mad. And any of us that have done that know. That's always a regrettable mistake.
And he just kept coming...

I would have my say. I would tell him just how much he irreversibly hurt me. How damaged I was now. I just wanted him to know. I wanted an honest apology. An apology that came from understanding my pain. A look of sadness or something!!

It didn't even stop him to reflect. He just kept coming...

And he was my Daddy.
He would demand my love and forgiveness threatening that hell was a certainty if I refused. I knew he was in the wrong but what he said was right. What could I do? Where could I go? There was no escape..except the unthinkable.

Life is not fair.
I hate those words. We are forced to swallow them down like sour medicine.

After my research...

I had found my sour medicine.

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